Whats a camera?
A device we use to stall time
A freeze frame of the present that becomes printed as the past
A portal that transports light and image and emotion
But could it be an excuse…
Have you thought maybe taking a picture is the very absence of feeling
Of seeing
Of taking it all in…
Yes, in fact I know its true.
We snap away and away for what reason?
So we can see it again in a another time and another place
and think that the picture does no justice to life in reality
To see the cityscapes and Italian streets that we once walked,
But not in true form.
To really live is to have the eyes of a Polaroid
Imagine a trip with no camera, no film, no “smile,” no “cheese”
Just your eyes to capture it all…
Think of how much longer you would sit,
How intent would be your stare
The purpose and attention of your pupils
To see the things that you may never see, or better... experience, again.
Life would be lived to the fullest and sight would not be taken for granted
Time would be precious, just as it always is.
Make it a challenge. Change for the sake of now
Don’t just open your eyes. Use them.